Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 9.1 adalah software yang membantu memaksimalkan kinerja dan performa komputer atau laptop kita. Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 9.1 membantu menghapus dan membuang file-file sampah (junk files) dan memperbaiki registry-registry yang rusak atau tidak digunakan. Secara fungsi hampir mirip dengan Advanced SystemCare Pro 9.3 Full Version hanya saja di Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 9.1 Full Version ini terdapat beberapa perbedaan seperti fitur dan tampilan interfacenya.
Screenshoot :
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 9.1 Full Version
- The engine of the new generation – a more thorough removal of the latest threats with the help of a licensed engine Bitdefender;
- Full support for Windows 10 – the protection of Windows systems from 10 different types of threats in real time;
- Extended Protection – DNS added protection and enhanced protection of Windows 10, as well as improved tracking undo a browser for better security system and browser.
- Improved Turbo Acceleration for deeper systems optimization;
- Added compatibility with Windows 10 – Support for cleaning and optimization for Windows 10, Microsoft Edge and universal application;
- The new function of automatic memory cleaning – release more RAM;
- Redesigned user interface – more user-friendly and supports a large font and high resolution screen;
- Improved startup manager – not only speeds up the loading of the system, but also speeds up the browser;
- Improved select the default program – added support for Microsoft Edge;
- Redesigned database design tool – Added favorites tools, improved search for large files, and automatic shutdown, improved Windows hotfix and 10 tools for deeper cleaning and optimization;
- Increased Database – expanded database for components: remove spyware, Registry Repair, Clean Privacy
- Removing junk files and web surfing protection.
Download :
- Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 9.1 Full Serial []
- Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 9.1 Full Serial [Zippyshare]
- Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 9.1 Full Serial [Datafilehost]
- Password
Panduan Instalasi :
- Matikan terlebih dahulu koneksiinternet
- Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 9.1 hingga selesai.
- Berikan firewall pada Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 9.1 (Bisa dengan menggunakan bantuan Firewall App Blocker).
- Buka Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 9.1 dan masukkan Key yang telah disediakan.
- Enjoy!